12001 - Spooky Celebration, Set of 4 - Lemax Spooky Town Figurines $10.99
12001 - Spooky Celebration, Set of 4 - Lemax Spooky Town FigurinesSpooky Celebration is a Lemax Christmas village figurine that will coordinate with most Lemax Christmas villages and will also coordinate with other Christmas...
92729 - Dia De Los Muertos Vigil, Set of 5 - Lemax Spooky Town Figurines $10.99
Dia De Los Muertos Vigil, Set of 5 - Lemax Spooky Town FigurinesThese skeletons, garbed in traditional bright colors, are about to participate in the annual Dia de los Muertos Vigil wherein they welcome back their dear...
52315 - I Scream U Scream, Set of 2 - Lemax Spooky Town Figurines $10.99
I Scream, U Scream, we all scream for ice cream. Is this ice cream vendor evil incarnate, or is he just in the spirit of the Halloween season? This little girl hasnt keeled over yet from poisonous ice cream, so the vendor...
52311 - Zombie Brains Foodcart, Set of 2 - Lemax Spooky Town Figurines $10.99
If you like to gnaw on human hands (I hear they taste like chicken), or if youre dying for an eyeball popper, come to the Zombie Brains Foodcart. Of course, this vendor may be more interested in your hands and eyeballs...