25868 - Dutch Cheese Festival and Farmers Market, Battery-Operated (4.5-Volt) - Lemax Christmas Village Facades $92.99
25868 - Dutch Cheese Festival and Farmers Market, Battery-Operated (4.5-Volt) - Lemax Christmas Village FacadesThe Dutch Cheese Festival and Farmers Market is a Lemax Christmas village house/building that will also...
15804 - Tis the Season Shops, Battery-Operated (4.5-Volt) - Lemax Christmas Village Facades $79.99
15804 - Tis the Season Shops, Battery-Operated (4.5-Volt) - Lemax Christmas Village Facades Tis the Season Shops is a Lemax Christmas village house/building that will also coordinate with other Christmas villages in the same...
15738 - Hinterland Holiday, Battery-Operated (4.5v) - Lemax Facades $92.99
15738 - Hinterland Holiday, Battery-Operated (4.5v) - Lemax FacadesHinterland Holiday is a Lemax Christmas village house/building that will also coordinate with other Christmas villages in the same scale, such as Department...
05618 - Beersmith Row, Battery-Operated (4.5-Volt) - Lemax Facades $76.99
05618 - Beersmith Row, Battery-Operated (4.5-Volt) - Lemax FacadesThe snow-free façade Beersmith Row features two breweries: the West End Brewery and the Brickstone Ale Works and Café. At the former establishments open-air...
05617 - Houses on a Hill, Battery-Operated (4.5-Volt) - Lemax Facades $64.99
05617 - Houses on a Hill, Battery-Operated (4.5-Volt) - Lemax FacadesThis snow-free Lemax façade, Houses on a Hill, captures the essence of Victorian row houses in San Francisco. This façade may lack the overly fancy...
95472 - The Lanes - Arts and Crafts, Battery-Operated (4.5-Volt) - Lemax Facades $59.99
The Lanes - Arts and Crafts, Battery-Operated (4.5-Volt) - Lemax FacadesAre you in the market for some arts and crafts? How about some quilts, needlework, pottery, or glass works? Youll find all this at The Lanes - Arts...
95471 - Merry Christmas Market, Battery-Operated (4.5-Volt) - Lemax Facades $59.99
Merry Christmas Market, Battery-Operated (4.5-Volt) - Lemax FacadesCome to the Merry Christmas Market and buy some toys and sweets for the holidays. Lollipops, gingerbread, and sugar cookies will satisfy your sweet tooth. ...
85315 - River Moor's Christmas Street Festival, Battery-Operated (4.5v) - Lemax Facades $64.99
Lemax Facades - River Moor's Christmas Street Festival is a Lemax Christmas village house/building that will also coordinate with other Christmas villages in the same scale, such as Department 56 and Carole Towne. Add this...
95916 - St. Patrick's Cathedral, Battery-Operated (4.5v) - Lemax Christmas Village Facades $54.99
Lemax Christmas Village Facade: St. Patrick's Cathedral, B/O (4.5v)Houses, buildings, and facades form the foundation for your Lemax Christmas villages. Figurines and accessories make your Lemax Christmas villages spring to...
45099 - Wesley Pub, Battery-Operated - Lemax Christmas Village Facades $49.99
Lemax Christmas Village Facade: Wesley Pub, Battery-OperatedHouses, buildings, and facades form the foundation for your Lemax Christmas villages. Figurines and accessories make your Lemax Christmas villages spring to life. ...