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Closer, The - Season 3


Closer, The - Season 3

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Product Description

TV DVDs - L.A. is where the famous people live . . . and die. A celebrity death is big news. But a celebrity murder? That’s a 24/7 media frenzy. So the LAPD forms the Priority Murder Squad to handle those high-risk situations before they get out of hand and hires Atlanta’s CIA-trained ace interrogator Brenda Johnson to run it. Her job: get the confessions that lead to convictions. And get them fast. Kyra Sedgwick stars as Johnson in this hit crime series. Beneath Johnson’s soft drawl is a tough attitude that antagonizes her coworkers, despite her skill at cracking cases. Behind her back cops call her Scarlett O-Hara. But Johnson just calls ‘em as she sees ‘em, even if that means putting the heat on stars, politicos, zillionaires, and other LA-LA-Land types.

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