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95458 - Ghouly Grocer - Lemax Spooky Town Houses


95458 - Ghouly Grocer - Lemax Spooky Town Houses

SKU: 95458
Availability: In stock, ready to ship.

Product Description

Ghouly Grocer - Lemax Spooky Town Houses
The Ghouly Grocer has all the freshest ingredients for whatever your recipe calls for: dragon scales, lizard legs, eyes of newts, toes of frogs, scorpions, millipedes. The Ghouly Grocer has even more exotic meats hanging around. (His cousin is the main hangman in Spooky Town.) For the vegetarians out there, he stocks plants – man-eating plants, of course. And he sells it all within his quaint old grocery store. You’ve heard that the walls have ears? Well, this building has eyes and hands also. Outside, the Ghouly Grocer and one of his hunchbacked customers are discussing what meats are freshest today. The hunchback may be afraid to go inside this spooky building. Ghouly Grocer is a Lemax Spooky Town village house/building that will also coordinate with other Halloween villages in the same scale, such as Department 56 and Carole Towne. Add this Lemax Spooky Town village collectible to your collection today! Whenever you need Lemax village collectibles, think of Villages of Fun (formerly known as Lemax Village Collectibles).

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